
Showing posts from November, 2022

Module 5 - Photo Retouch Part 2 - Final Edits

  Module 5: Photo Retouch Final This week’s assignment was a personally rewarding one.  I chose to restore an old picture of my mother, who passed away when I was nine.  This picture was taken in front of my grandmother’s house in West Virginia.  It brought back memories of traveling down there to see the family.    To restore this picture, I decided to keep it black and white to retain it’s originality.  Doing so, I utilized three Photoshop retouching tools.  The first thing I did was copy the picture so that all changes would be made to the layers above the original.  I then adjusted each of the levels (RGB) to bring out the black and white colors.  I used the healing brush and the clone stamp to make minor corrections. For the majority of the restoration, I used the spot healing brush, which did and amazing job.

Photo Retouch

For our assignment this week, I thought about doing an avatar, because it looks interesting and will add new tools to my toolbelt.  I instead will choose to retouch an old photo.  I made this choice because it is something that means a lot to me.  My family and I have been looking over our family history which included old photos and learning/practicing how to retouch them will go a long way.  Help me choose the  photo that I retouch for part 2. This is a picture of my mother, who passed away when I was 9.  I was and still am a mother's boy, so I don't think I need to explain how much this picture means to me. This second picture is a picture of the church that my family would go to when we went to visit my grandmother in West Virginia.  I have fond memories of those days, my cousins and I often look back and refer to them. Last but not least is a picture of my cousins mother, who I do not recall meeting.  This of the three, I believe is the most ...

M4 CP - Book Cover (part 2)

  Original Book Cover Throughout the years, network marketing businesses have received a bad rep.  Many people have joined various ventures hoping to get rich quick. There are a number of them that take advantage of those people and suck them dry, financially.  These companies give the real multi-Level-Marketing (MLM) businesses a bad name.  Eric Worre, a well-known, and well-respected person in the Network marketing world has written a book to show how true MLM’s were meant to really work and how someone can earn a living using their business model.   Zig Ziglar, said “you can have everything in life you want, if you will just help enough other people get what they want.”   That’s the basis of MLM, making money by helping enough people get what they want.   This book walks you through the process of the MLM business model and how to work it the right way.   As you build your network and help those under you build theirs, together we all win. ...