Throughout this COVID pandemic, healthcare workers were labeled as heroes. Doctors and nurses received many of the accolades, meanwhile, the workers who handled many of the bedside care were left unnoticed and forgotten. These employees are the ones who keep healthcare facilities running, such as: Patient Care Technicians, Certified Nursing Assistants, Dietary Aides and Housekeepers, just to name a few. These workers were there day in and day out, on the front line to care for us and our loved ones, while risking their lives. It goes without saying, Doctors and Nurses play an extremely important role in the healthcare field, but so do these other workers and they should not have to rob Peter to pay Paul. While I am happy that we have fought to raise the minimum wage and that fast food workers are receiving fifteen dollars per hour. I believe it is a shame that someone who plays an important role in the care patients could be paid less than some...